Repairing my lifeline
In my last blog, I spoke about my kiln and how I have a love hate relationship with it. It turned out to be an electrical problem and also that my kiln was firing too hot on the top and the bottom. So, off it went to be modified so that it fires better and more evenly and of course, these modifications always set one back a few bucks. So for now I will keep working and looking forward to my kiln’s return and hopefully we will have a new start.
On a completely different note, yesterday I decided that I would try a new clay body from Pottery Supply House in Oakville, Ontario. It is a different porcelain that I discovered when I went to Haliburton School for the Arts in the spring. Jessica Steinhauser of Stonehouse Pottery in Guelph was teaching the course that I was taking and recommended that I give it a try. It is a bit stiffer than the other clay that I have been used to and I am able to push it a bit more without it collapsing which I like. The real test will be if my glazes are a match for it or not.
Here are some photos that my 3 1/2 year old budding photographer took yesterday. We Canadians are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend. It is great time to recharge, relax and reconnect with family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving Canada!