Happy Holidays!
So, here come the holidays. Are you ready? In our home, we have never been big on gift giving. We have always seen this time of year as a time for family, sharing stories and wonderful meals.
I do make some pottery for family and friends. This year seems to have been an extremely busy one. My daughter is almost 4 now and is very excited about Christmas. I had a friend tell me one day that she told her daughter that Santa brings one gift and that gifts also come from other people. Does saying that diffuse all the fluff around Santa? Probably not but I decided to give that a try to see how that went. So far, it is working out well. I don’t want to bring up a child that is so fixated on what she will get because I don’t think that is what Christmas is about. Time will tell if that was the right thing to do.
So far this winter, and the season doesn’t actually start until Monday, we have been blessed to have a lot of snow so far. Lately, it has been a bit on the frigid side and I can honestly say that I love it!

My daughter is beginning to learn to skate. So far, she got on the ice and that was it. I don’t remember what it was like to learn but I am sure we all do the same thing.

All in all, 2009 has been a good year. I am thankful for family, my work and being fortunate to live in a wonderful country with many kind hearted people. I wish you and yours the very best for the holidays and the upcoming new year.